Tracking Dahlusion

DAH / D.A. HELMER’s writings have been published by editors from the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Singapore, Philippines, Ireland, Africa, Australia, Mauritius, Japan and India. He is a multiple Pushcart nominee and Best Of The Net nominee. His poetry and fiction have appeared in Poetry Now!, Otoliths, The Cape Rock, Straylight Magazine, Acumen Journal, Sandy River Review, Indian River Review, Harbinger Asylum, Junto Magazine, Mad Swirl Magazine, New Mexico Review, KNOT Magazine, Setu Journal, Fishbowl Press, Tokyo Poetry Journal and many others.

He is also working on his first collection of short crime fiction, and he recently finished the eighth and final draft of his first crime noir novel. He writes fiction under D.A. HELMER.

He says: I read fiction because I believe in what I’m reading. I write fiction because I believe in what I’m writing.

His short essay “Grandmother” was published in Estuary Magazine, Fall 2014

His short essay “Bonnie Parker, Poet”, was published in The Linnet’s Wings (Ireland)       Summer 2017

Twitter @dahlusion


Instagram: @dahlusion

Facebook: Words Of Dahlusion

Google: “dahlusion” or “Dah Helmer”

21 Responses to Tracking Dahlusion

  1. Diana Bsaker-Vevang says:

    Just an incredible read. Rich, vibrant, emotionally moving, complex and vivid. Fantastic metaphors and imaginative, artful imagery. Softly flowing right to the heart. I loved the poem!

    • Dah says:

      Diana, Thank you, Poet! And I believe that you are referring to the poem,”A Shawl Of Indigo Aura”, from my first book, “In Forbidden Language” ––))

  2. Wow you have one heck of a biography and credits. Wonderful! What an inspiration you are to other writers…So nice to meet you. Look forward to seeing your post on eatsleepwrite

    • Dah says:

      Eva, Thank you for this wonderful cheer, the pleasure is mine, and I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities with ‘eatsleepwrite’.

  3. Kat Ramirez-Evans says:

    Dah, You most likely don’t remember me, but I most definitely remember you. Years ago when I was a young poet, we used to chat with one another on a website called OriginalPoetry. I remember when I spoke to you, You inspired me to never give up on my poetry and always love the things I have created with my own hands whether it be a hearty meal or a poem. You are a inspirations to creators around the world. I thank you so much for this, Dah.

    • Dah says:


      I am honored to hear from you and to know that
      I have, somehow, inspired you to not give up, to “Keep Pushing”.

      To better my memory, what is / was your OP name?

      Looking forward …

  4. Thulani Elvis Mngomezulu says:

    Great work out there. You inspire me. My poem ‘Ghetto Train’ has been published here in Spadina literary Review along with yours. My name is Thulani Elvis Mngomezulu.

    • Dah says:

      Thank you, Thulani. ‘Spadina’ is a fine publication and I’m happy to be in the same
      issue as you. Looking forward to more …

  5. miskail says:

    One word shall summation read: Awesome!

  6. Brilliant Dah, my dear Poetic friend!!! HUGS and Blessings!!! 😊💙

  7. -Eugenia says:

    It’s good to meet you, Dah! I’m also following you on

  8. So. Ummm. I thought your comment on my blogpost was lovely — and now, reading your credits I’m in awe and humbled. Thank you for the uplift!

  9. Always eager to read your verses expressing the passion inside of you. Nicely rendered.

  10. Thanks for taking time away from your writing to visit my blog!

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